This is my pile for taking to the cooking class today. Thank goodness I'm taking a cab. I'm bringing extra pots, pans, measuring cups, bowls, and cutting boards for the chef. I'm also bringing branded pens and notebooks for people to write notes down during the class. The pile in front is small napkins, just in case, a pile of gift cards for the venue owner, who is giving us the use of his space for free (I also bought him this), a blue sharpie, some extra twine, the sign in sheets and a little picture frame with the company logo in it, and the mini-menus for the table (more about those later). Whew. Now for some useful information: The best way to make your morning stress-free when you have an event later that day, even in the evening, is to complete everything the night before and set it out in organized piles by the front door.
Here are the only things you should be doing the day of the event:
- Re-confirming meeting times with staff, vendors, venues or calling people to tell them you are on your way
- Working out
- Getting ready (clothes should still be picked out the day before, ideally)
- Eating a healthy meal
- Calling or scheduling a driver or cab
That's it. Does it require super-human organization? No, just regular-human organization, and a good support system.
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