This is my system for doing my nails. My manicure often lasts 2 weeks and involves no UV stuff or gel systems. I prefer this system because I don't particularly want it to be difficult for me to take my nail polish off.
- Wipe off your old polish with acetone. Don’t moisturize your hands.
- Wash your hands and dry them. Don't soak them. Soaking makes the nail more moist and it makes the nail polish peel easier.
- Buff your nails a bit - once every few weeks. I use this:
revlon-crazy-shine-nail- buffer/qxp332155 - Push your cuticles back with an orange stick - I personally don't use cuticle remover at all because I feel like it’s not good for you. If you'd like to remove some dead skin from your nails soak in the tub for an hour the day before you do your nails and scrape off the dead skin with a cuticle stick. I know, that's gross.
- Apply base coat. I use Nail Tek Foundation II, that I buy from
- Apply color in 2 thick coats. Paint your dominant hand first. Work from your pinkie to your thumb - less of a chance to scuff your nails.
- Don't brush the nail-polish off or scrape it off the bottle - use the full drop if you can.
- Avoid your skin at all costs -even leaving a gap between your finger and your nail is better than getting it on your cuticle or the side of your nail.
- Apply topcoat, just one coat.
- Wait two hours while it dries.
- Moisturize with oil or lotion. I think the best hand lotion I've ever bought is hemp one from Body shop. http://www.thebodyshop-usa.
com/bath-body-care/hands-feet/ . This will actually cure damaged skin and heal blisters and cuts as well.hand-care-products/hemp-hand- protector.aspx - Apply topcoat every few days on top of the other top coat. I don’t care what brand of topcoat - they all seem the same to me.
- Don't wash dishes or put on gloves when you do.